The Book of Galatians – Part 3
"Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law."
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The Book of Galatians – Part 2
"Oh, foolish Galatians…" Paul gives a firm attack of law-following legalism stating that faith in Christ is all that matters.
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The Book of Galatians - Part-1
Paul teaches of the Grace found in Jesus Christ, shows this Grace from his own life, and brings a defense of Grace in his life....
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Letters of Peter - Part 4
2 Peter 1-3 (Scripture version - New Living translation) Peter gives a reason for this second letter at the start of Chapter 3. His...
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The Book of James – Part 3
James 3 – 4:10 (Scripture version - New Living translation) Words, wisdom, and a deep relationship with God. These are the teachings...
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Letters of Peter - Part-3
Let your fervent hope & trust in God, through suffering, be a testimony to all people around you as you live for God in all things.
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The Book of James - Part-2
James reminds his readers that we all must stay true to the love Christ calls us to in every aspect of our lives.
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Letters of Peter - Part-2
Peter reminds his readers to live honorable lives and to honor God by submission to the authorities, at home, in career, and in the church.
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Letters of Peter Part-1
Peter desires to encourage Christians under persecution to cling to their faith and keep their hope in the Lord.
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The Book of James - Part 1
From worldliness to problems with their words, to straying away from God's word, James seeks to encourage his reader to spiritual maturity.
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